How to end knitting a scarf

As you near the end of knitting your scarf, you feel a mix of excitement and exhaustion. It's been a long and slightly chaotic journey. The ball of yarn has rolled away from you more times than you can count, and your cat has definitely claimed it as their new toy.

You start to measure the remaining yarn, hoping that you have just enough to complete the final row. With each stitch, you hold your breath, praying that fate is on your side. Alas, it seems fate is a bit of a trickster today.

As you reach the last few inches, you realize you're running out of yarn faster than a kid eating candy on Halloween. Panic sets in. What to do? You frantically search through your knitting bag, hoping to find that extra skein you stashed away, but all you discover are some loose stitch markers and a half-eaten granola bar.

In a last-ditch effort, you contemplate leaving the scarf with a random, gaping hole, claiming it's a unique design feature. But, the perfectionist in you can't bear the thought.

Finally, you hatch a brilliant plan: you'll find a matching yarn in your stash and declare it a "deliberate design choice." Crisis averted!

In the end, your scarf may have a tale of chaos behind its creation, but it's now a cozy, quirky piece you'll proudly wear—and every time you do, you'll remember the adventure of knitting it.


Knitting a scarf can be a rewarding and therapeutic experience, but reaching the end of your project can sometimes be daunting. Fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of ending your knitting journey and achieving a perfect finish for your scarf. From binding off to weaving in ends, we'll cover all the essential techniques and offer helpful tips along the way.

The Final Rows

As you approach the end of your scarf, it's essential to pay attention to your pattern and count your stitches carefully. The final rows are crucial, as any mistakes at this stage can be challenging to correct. Maintain your knitting rhythm and stay focused.

Binding Off

Once you've knitted the last row, it's time to bind off to secure your stitches. Use a standard bind-off method or explore decorative options like picot or i-cord bind-offs for a unique touch. Remember to keep your tension even to ensure a neat edge.

Measuring the Remaining Yarn

Before cutting the yarn, measure how much you have left. You want to ensure you have enough to weave in the ends and secure your work. If you're unsure, it's always better to err on the side of caution and leave a little extra.

Weaving in Ends

Using a tapestry needle, weave in the loose ends of your yarn along the edge of your scarf. This process ensures a clean and polished finish. Weave the ends through several stitches, in different directions, to prevent them from coming loose over time.


Blocking is a crucial step that helps even out your stitches and gives your scarf a professional look. Depending on the yarn type, you can wet block or steam block your scarf. Lay it flat and gently shape it to the desired dimensions. Allow it to dry completely before wearing or gifting.

Finishing Touches

Adding fringe, tassels, or other embellishments can elevate the appearance of your scarf. Ensure they are evenly distributed along the edges and trimmed neatly for a polished look.

Embrace Imperfections

Remember, handmade items will always have a touch of uniqueness. Small imperfections add character to your scarf and remind you of the time and effort invested in creating it.


Ending your knitting journey with a perfectly finished scarf is a satisfying accomplishment. By following these steps and practicing patience and attention to detail, you can create a beautiful and comfortable accessory to cherish or gift to a loved one. Whether you're an experienced knitter or a beginner, these techniques will help you achieve a polished and professional finish for your scarf, making it a cherished piece for years to come. Happy knitting!

Annabel Buser