How to join in the round knitting

magine this: You've decided to embark on a knitting adventure and tackle your first-ever beanie project. Excitement fills the air as you choose the coziest yarn and your favorite knitting needles. With the pattern in hand, you eagerly cast on stitches, feeling like a knitting wizard ready to conquer the world.

But as you begin knitting in the round, reality starts to set in. You attempt to join the stitches, but the ends seem to have a mind of their own, going in every direction except the one you want. It's like a rebellious yarn rebellion, and you're the unwitting victim.

In a moment of frustration, you call your knitting-savvy friend for help. They answer with a chuckle and kindly offer to guide you through the "round joining ritual." With a mix of confusion and relief, you try to follow their instructions. You bring the two ends together, praying for some knitting magic to take over.

Alas, the yarn fiasco continues, and your beanie is starting to look more like a yarn pretzel than a cozy head warmer. But with perseverance and the occasional giggle, you finally manage to join the round correctly. Hallelujah!

In the end, you realize that knowing how to join in the round is more than just technical skills – it's about embracing the knitting journey with its ups, downs, and tangled turns. So, armed with your newfound knowledge and a sense of humor, you continue knitting, weaving in the magic of your knitting adventures. Happy knitting, with no more twisted yarns in sight!

How to Join in the Round: A Knitting Adventure in the Round

Knitting in the round opens up a world of possibilities, from cozy hats and seamless cowls to stylish socks and comfy mittens. But before you can dive into these exciting projects, you must master the art of joining in the round. Joining in the round is a crucial step that allows you to create a continuous loop of stitches, eliminating the need for seaming and ensuring your knitted items are seamless and polished. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of joining in the round, step-by-step instructions, and helpful tips to make this knitting adventure a smooth and enjoyable one.

Preparing for the Adventure

Before embarking on the journey of joining in the round, you'll need a few essentials:

  1. Circular Needles: Circular knitting needles are a must for this adventure. They consist of two needle tips connected by a flexible cable.
  2. Yarn: Choose your favorite yarn and color to create your knitted masterpiece.
  3. Stitch Marker: A stitch marker is essential for marking the beginning of your round and keeping track of your progress.

Step-by-Step Guide to Joining in the Round

Follow these step-by-step instructions to successfully join in the round:

Step 1: Cast On Stitches

Cast on the required number of stitches for your project. Ensure that your stitches are not twisted on the needle.

Step 2: Place Stitch Marker

Slide a stitch marker onto the right needle, being careful not to twist your stitches. This marker will indicate the beginning of your round.

Step 3: Knit the First Stitch

Hold your needle with the cast-on stitches in your left hand and the empty needle in your right hand. Insert the right needle into the first stitch on the left needle as if to knit.

Step 4: Begin the Join

Knit the first stitch from the left needle onto the right needle. At this point, you have officially joined in the round.

Step 5: Tug the Yarn

Gently tug the yarn to close the small gap between the first and last stitches, ensuring there are no gaps or holes in your knitting.

Step 6: Continue Knitting

Continue knitting in the round, working on the stitches as you normally would. The stitch marker will help you keep track of the beginning of each rou

Tips and Tricks for a Smooth Join

Joining in the round can be a bit tricky, but with these tips, you'll be well on your way to knitting success:

  1. Check for Twists: Before joining, ensure that your cast-on stitches are not twisted on the needle. A twisted start will result in a twisted project.
  2. Stitch Marker Placement: Place the stitch marker immediately after knitting the first stitch to indicate the true beginning of the round.
  3. Use a Slip Knot: Consider using a slip knot to join, as it creates a secure starting point and makes the first stitch easier to knit.
  4. Magic Loop Technique: If you're working on a small circumference project, like socks or mittens, you can use the magic loop technique with a long circular needle.
  5. Practice Makes Perfect: If you're new to joining in the round, practice on a small swatch before diving into a larger project.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Joining in the round may present a few challenges, but fear not – there are solutions to common hiccups:

  1. Gap at the Join: If you notice a small gap at the join, gently tug the yarn to close it. This will ensure a smooth transition between rounds.
  2. Stitch Marker Slipping: If your stitch marker tends to slip, use a locking or split ring marker to secure it in place.
  3. Twisted Stitches: If you accidentally twist your stitches, undo the cast-on and start again. Twisted stitches will result in a twisted project.

What Projects Can You Create with Joining in the Round?

The possibilities are endless when you master the art of joining in the round. Here are some exciting projects you can create:

  1. Knitted Hats: Create stylish beanies, slouchy hats, and cozy winter caps.
  2. Cowl Scarves: Knit seamless and stylish cowls to keep your neck warm and fashionable.
  3. Mittens and Gloves: Craft warm mittens and gloves for cold winter days.
  4. Socks: Knit socks for yourself or loved ones, creating comfortable and unique footwear.


Joining in the round is a knitting adventure that opens up a world of possibilities. With circular needles and a stitch marker, you can seamlessly create hats, cowls, socks, and more. As you embark on this knitting journey, remember to check for twists, secure your stitch marker, and practice your joins. Each step brings you closer to the joy of knitting in the round and the satisfaction of completing seamless, polished projects. So, grab your needles, choose your yarn, and let the adventure begin. Happy knitting in the round!

Annabel Buser