How to finish a knitting scarf

You've been diligently working on a beautiful scarf for what seems like an eternity. Knitting needles have practically become an extension of your arms, and the yarn ball is your new best friend. But as the days turn into weeks, you start to wonder if this scarf will ever end.

In a moment of desperation, you decide to take drastic measures and attempt a speedy finish. You put on turbo speed, needles clicking like a machine, but the scarf seems to grow longer with every stitch. It's like a never-ending magical scarf from a fantasy world.

In a panic, you call your knitting-savvy friend for advice. They can't help but laugh at your predicament. "Slow down, knitting wizard," they say. "Finishing a scarf takes time, just like a great adventure!"

With a mix of relief and amusement, you finally take a step back and accept that the scarf will be done when it's done. So, you continue knitting at a relaxed pace, enjoying every stitch. As the end draws near, you savor the satisfaction of creating something with your own hands.

In the end, you realize that knowing how to finish a knitting scarf isn't just about the technical steps; it's about the journey. Embrace the process, enjoy the ride, and remember that the joy of knitting lies not only in the final product but in the laughter, friendships, and magical moments along the way. Happy knitting, and may your scarves be knitted with love and laughter!

How to Finish a Knitting Scarf: The Final Flourish to Your Cozy Creation

After days, weeks, or even months of knitting, you're finally approaching the end of your scarf project. The anticipation builds as you envision yourself wrapping the finished creation around your neck, feeling the warmth and pride that comes with completing a handmade masterpiece. But before you can savor that moment, there are a few crucial steps to take to finish your knitting scarf with finesse. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of finishing your knitting scarf, from binding off to weaving in ends and blocking, ensuring your scarf is ready to be cherished for years to come.

Binding Off

The first step to finishing your knitting scarf is to bind off your stitches. Binding off creates a secure edge, preventing your stitches from unraveling and giving your scarf a polished finish. Follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Knit the first two stitches.

Step 2: Using your left needle, lift the first stitch over the second stitch and off the right needle. You now have one stitch remaining on your right needle.

Step 3: Knit the next stitch.

Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have one stitch remaining on your right needle.

Step 5: Cut the yarn, leaving a tail of about 6 inches.

Step 6: Thread the yarn tail through the last stitch and pull tight to secure it.

Weaving in Ends

With the knitting completed and the scarf bound off, you now need to weave in the loose ends. Weaving in ends ensures that your scarf maintains its clean, professional look. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Thread the yarn tail onto a tapestry needle.

Step 2: Starting from the bind-off edge, weave the needle through a few stitches along the wrong side of the scarf.

Step 3: Turn the scarf and weave the yarn back in the opposite direction, creating a zigzag path.

Step 4: Trim the excess yarn, leaving a small tail that tucks neatly into the knitted fabric.


Blocking is the final step in finishing your knitting scarf. It involves shaping and setting the stitches to ensure an even, professional appearance. Blocking is especially important if you've used lace or delicate yarns. Follow these steps for blocking:

Step 1: Wet your scarf by soaking it in a basin of lukewarm water with a few drops of mild detergent.

Step 2: Gently squeeze out excess water, being careful not to wring or twist the fabric.

Step 3: Lay the scarf flat on a clean, dry towel.

Step 4: Roll the scarf up in the towel to absorb more water.

Step 5: Unroll the scarf and lay it flat on a blocking mat or a clean, dry towel.

Step 6: Use pins to gently shape the scarf, stretching it to the desired dimensions.

Step 7: Allow the scarf to air dry completely.

Step 8: Once dry, remove the pins and admire your perfectly blocked knitting scarf.

Optional: Adding Fringe or Tassels

If you want to add a decorative touch to your knitting scarf, consider adding fringe or tassels. Fringe gives your scarf a classic, timeless look, while tassels can add a playful, bohemian touch. Follow these steps to add fringe or tassels:

For Fringe:

Step 1: Cut several strands of yarn, each about twice the desired length of the fringe.

Step 2: Fold the strands in half and insert the folded end through the edge stitch on one end of the scarf.

Step 3: Pull the loose ends of the strands through the loop created by the folded end.

Step 4: Tighten the loop to secure the fringe.

Step 5: Repeat steps 2 to 4 across the entire edge of the scarf.

For Tassels:

Step 1: Cut a piece of cardboard to the desired length of your tassels.

Step 2: Wrap yarn around the cardboard several times, creating a thick bundle.

Step 3: Slip a piece of yarn under the wrapped yarn and tie it tightly at the top.

Step 4: Slide the wrapped yarn off the cardboard.

Step 5: Cut the loops at the bottom of the tassel to create the fringe.

Step 6: Attach the tassels to the ends of the scarf by threading the top tie through the edge stitch and tying it securely.

Final Checks and Finishing Touches

Once you've completed all the steps, take a moment to give your knitting scarf a final check:

  1. Smooth Edges: Make sure all edges are neat and tidy, with no loose stitches or loops.
  2. Even Tension: Check that the tension is consistent throughout the scarf, with no overly tight or loose sections.
  3. Clean Appearance: Ensure that all yarn ends are woven in and that there are no loose threads visible.
  4. Proper Length and Width: Double-check that your scarf is the desired length and width, making any adjustments as necessary.

The Joy of a Finished Knitting Scarf

As you hold your finished knitting scarf in your hands, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. The hours of knitting, the mistakes corrected, and the effort put in have culminated in a cozy, handmade treasure. Your knitting scarf is a reflection of your creativity, passion, and dedication to the craft.

Whether you choose to keep your scarf for yourself or gift it to a loved one, cherish the process and the end result. Each stitch represents a moment of joy and creativity, making your scarf not just a clothing accessory but a cherished memory.


Knowing how to finish a knitting scarf is the final flourish to your creative journey. From binding off to weaving in ends and blocking, each step plays a crucial role in giving your scarf a polished, professional look. So, embrace the process, take pride in your work, and revel in the satisfaction of completing a beautiful, handcrafted scarf. Happy knitting, and may your scarves be cozy, stylish, and a testament to your knitting skills!

Annabel Buser