What craft products sell on Amazon and Etsy?

Overview of Craft Products Selling on Amazon and Etsy

One of the most popular types of products sold on Amazon and Etsy are craft items. Crafts can range from handmade jewelry, to clothing or home decor items to homemade soaps or lotions. Crafts are unique items that customers can't find anywhere else, making them a great choice for those looking to stand out with their online store.

Crafts come in all shapes and sizes, from small accessories like earrings and necklaces to larger items like quilts or blankets. The cost of these crafts can also vary depending on the materials used and how much labor is involved in making them. On both Amazon and Etsy, you'll find handmade crafts ranging in price from just a few dollars up into the hundreds, depending on the item.

Reasons for the rise in popularity of selling crafts on Amazon and Etsy

  • Variety: Both Amazon and Etsy offer a wide range of craft products, including art, jewelry, clothing items, home décor pieces, handmade gifts and more.
  • Low Costs: Selling on both Amazon and Etsy is relatively inexpensive compared to other e-commerce websites or setting up your own online store.
  • Ease of Use: Setting up shop on either platform is easy; Amazon offers templates for product descriptions, while Etsy allows sellers to customize their listings with ease.
  • Built-in Customer Base : One of the major advantages of selling on Amazon or Etsy is that both platforms already have an established customer base, which means you can start seeing sales almost immediately once you set up shop!
  • Reachability and Visibility : On both platforms, customers can search for specific items they’re looking for using keywords or categories, making it easier to find exactly what they want quickly and easily . This visibility also helps increase your chances of getting organic orders!
  • Brand Credentials & Trustworthiness : As buyers trust these established brands , sellers who use them gain credibility in the eyes of potential customers . Furthermore , if users have any problems with delivery times etc., they are likely to turn towards

Types of Crafts Being Sold on Amazon and Etsy

The popularity of selling crafts on Amazon and Etsy has increased significantly in recent years, as more people are looking for unique items that can’t be found elsewhere. Craft products offer something special to customers, with a wide range of handmade items available at various price points. Customers appreciate the variety offered by both platforms, as well as the low costs associated with setting up shop on either platform. Additionally, both Amazon and Etsy have established customer bases that make it easy for craft sellers to get started quickly and start seeing sales almost immediately. With visibility through keywords or categories making it easier for customers to find exactly what they want quickly and easily, sellers can also benefit from the trustworthiness associated with these established brands when marketing their products online.

Some of the most popular crafts being sold on Amazon and Etsy are: 

  • Handmade jewelry
  • Clothing items
  • Home decor pieces
  • Artworks
  • Quilts and blankets
  • Handmade accessories
  • Homemade soaps and lotions
  • Personalized gifts
  • Embroidered clothes
  • Crocheted items
  • Handcrafted woodwork

Pricing Strategies for Crafting Products on Amazon and Etsy

When it comes to pricing your crafting products on Amazon or Etsy, there are a few things to consider. The cost of materials used and the amount of labor involved in producing the craft should be taken into account when setting up prices for your items. It’s also important to remember that both platforms have fees associated with listing and selling your crafts, so be sure to factor those into your prices as well. Additionally, you should research competitor prices and aim to remain competitive while still making a profit yourself.

It can also be beneficial to offer discounts or promotions for customers who make multiple purchases or follow your shop page. This can help increase sales and build loyalty among customers, which is especially important if you ’re looking to grow your craft business on either platform.

Who is Buying Crafts from Online Platforms \?

One of the major advantages of selling crafts on Amazon and Etsy is that both platforms have an established customer base, which means you can start seeing sales almost immediately once you set up shop. In terms of who is buying these craft items, it’s a mix of consumers looking for unique gift items as well as craft lovers who appreciate handmade items made with love and care.

Tips & Strategies for Selling Crafts on Amazon or Etsy

One of the key tips for selling crafts on Amazon or Etsy is to create detailed product descriptions with clear images that give customers an accurate representation of the item they are purchasing. This will help build trust and give customers confidence in their purchase. Additionally, it’s important to respond promptly to any customer questions or concerns in order to ensure a positive experience and keep them coming back for more.

When it comes to pricing your craft items, it’s important to be competitive but also make sure you are making a profit yourself. Researching competitor prices and offering discounts or promotions for returning customers can help increase sales and build loyalty among your customers. Furthermore, offering free shipping on certain orders can be very attractive to buyers who want to get their items quickly without having to pay extra!

Finally, it’s important to have an effective marketing strategy when selling crafts on Amazon or Etsy. Utilizing social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram can help promote your products and reach a larger audience. Additionally, participating in online craft communities such as Pinterest, Reddit, or Craftster can also help increase visibility and exposure for your products.

Tips to Get Started with Your Own Craft Business

When getting started with your own craft business, it's important to have a solid plan in place. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. First, decide on the type of crafting products you want to create and sell online. Consider the types of craft products that are popular on Amazon and Etsy that we discussed above, and research current trends in the industry so you can make sure your creations will stand out from the competition.

2. Next, create a budget for materials and supplies needed to make your crafts. It's also important to factor in any fees associated with listing and selling your product on Amazon or Etsy. This way, you can manage costs and stay within your budget during the early days of launching your business.

3. Once you have an idea for what kind of craft products you want to make, it's time to start building an online presence for yourself as a seller which is critical for success on either platform. Start by setting up a shop page with professional-looking photos of your crafted items along with detailed descriptions about them so customers know exactly what they're purchasing. Additionally, participating in online craft communities such as Pinterest, Reddit or Craftster can help increase visibility and exposure for what you're selling.

4. Lastly, create an effective marketing strategy that works best for your business needs based on where you’re selling (Amazon or Etsy). Utilizing social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram can help promote your products and reach new potential customers quickly - don't forget to use relevant hashtags! Additionally, offering discounts or promotions for returning customers can increase sales and build loyalty among buyers over time, especially if looking to grow this business further down the road!

Important Things to Consider When Choosing Between Amazon or Etsy as a Platform for Your Business

When deciding to start a craft business, one of the most important decisions you will have to make is which platform you want to use: Amazon or Etsy. Both platforms offer unique advantages and drawbacks for sellers, depending on their needs. It’s important to consider factors such as pricing, marketing strategies, customer experience, and more in order to choose the right platform for your business. In this article, we’ll explore what kinds of craft products are selling best on each platform, their pricing structures, customer experiences, and tips for getting started with either Amazon or Etsy.

Final Thoughts on Selling Crafts Online

Selling crafts online can be a great way to earn some extra income. By researching what kind of craft products are selling the best, understanding each platform’s pricing structure and marketing strategies, and creating an effective plan for your own business, you will have a good chance of success on either Amazon or Etsy. With a little bit of planning and hard work, you can turn your craft business into a successful venture! Good luck!


If you're looking to start a craft business online, we recommend taking the time to research both Amazon and Etsy before deciding which platform will work best for your needs. Consider factors such as pricing, marketing strategies, customer experience, and more in order to choose the right one for your business. With good planning and dedication, you can turn your craft business into a successful venture! Good luck!


Q: What types of craft products are popular on Amazon and Etsy?

A: Popular craft products on Amazon and Etsy include jewelry, handmade clothing, home decor, art prints, digital designs, and more. It’s important to research current trends in the industry so your creations stand out from the competition.

Q: Are there any fees associated with selling crafts online?

A: Yes - both Amazon and Etsy charge listing and transaction fees for sellers. Be sure to factor this into your budget when deciding which platform is right for you.

Q: What are some tips for promoting my craft business on either platform?

A: Promoting your craft business can be achieved through a variety of strategies, such as utilizing social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, participating in online craft communities (e.g. Pinterest, Reddit or Craftster), and offering discounts or promotions for returning customers.

Q: What should I consider when deciding between Amazon or Etsy as a platform for my business?

A: When deciding to start a craft business, it’s important to consider factors such as pricing structures, marketing strategies, customer experience, and more before choosing the right platform for your needs. Take the time to research both Amazon and Etsy so you can make an informed decision that is best suited for your business.

We hope this article has been helpful in providing you with important information about selling crafts on Amazon and Etsy. With proper planning, dedication, and a little bit of luck, your craft business can be successful! Good luck!

Annabel Buser